
We focus our energy on stakeholder satisfaction through commitment, teamwork, and continuous improvement. The respect for the environment, the health, and the safety of all our employees and visitors are never disregarded or expendable.
Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement is the key to excellence in the quality of our product, the satisfaction of our customers, and other relevant stakeholders.
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Social Responsibility is experienced in FAL ethically and transparently with a view to different purposes:
  • Sustainable development
  • Economic development
  • Preservation of environmental resources
  • Reduction of social and gender inequality
  • Offering quality of life to our employees and families
Green Foundry
We are committed to the Environment and Society, which leads us to measure and monitor all processes that affect our production and to introduce environmental requirements in the development of new products and production areas.
To control and minimize the environmental impact on production and the environment, we’ve developed an environmental management system that allows us to generate and implement new ideas.
All FAL products are produced by following the requirements of ISO14001.
Health and Safety
at work
Safety philosophy at FAL is active!